What Dreams May Come-Film Review
Labels: Action and adventure , classic , family , science fiction and fantasy 1 Review
What Dreams May Come is a 1998 dramatic film, starring Robin Williams, Cuba Gooding, Jr., and Annabella Sciorra. The movie is based on the 1978 novel by Richard Matheson, and was directed by Vincent Ward. The title is taken from a line in Hamlet's To be, or not to be soliloquy.
Synopsis: Married, Chris and Annie have a wonderful life together. However, tragedy strikes when their son and daughter are killed in a car accident. Blaming herself, Annie goes into a state of mental instability. Four years later, the couple has pulled themselves back together. After being killed in a car accident, Chris Nielsen (Williams) goes to an afterlife derived from his wife's paintings. Despite the paradise he now inhabits he is unhappy without his wife Annie (Sciorra). When Annie commits suicide following Chris' death she forms a reality of hell (due to her guilt of her children and husband's death) as her afterlife. Adamant that they belong together, Chris commences a quest to rescue her, in the process discovering a number of characters from his past.
Source: Wikipedia
What Dreams May come is one of the most beautiful film i've seen. From the shots, the story, the scene, and to the people. everything is so beautiful. some people might find it boring. but if you really get what's the story about you will find it interesting. Annie and Chris(Robin William) live a happy life together. Annie is a cheerful girl who likes to paint. she's an artist. Until she loses both her child who involve in an car crash. she was suppose to drive them to school. Due to her busy schedule she couldn't fit in. So she sent the nanny to send both her childs to school. And all just end like that. she's been thinking that it was her fault that cause all this to happen. and she finally have a mental breakdown. and has been sent to the mental hospital. She wouldn't talk. to anyone. even her husband. Her loving husband support her to the end. make her stand up again. live a happy life again. She's been real unlucky. just when she can start a new life again, her husband Chris died in an car accident. the whole scene made Annie really miserable. Even us, audience, feel extremely sad for her. she's all alone. the world is just so dark for her.
while her husband, went to another world. another world that is so familiar to him. and that's when he know he's living in his' wife's painting. one of their favourite painting. People might think it doesn't make sense at all. but why not?you live in where you want to live. it might be illusion, but the most important thing is that you're happy with it. that's my thoughts. ^^^those are just part of the story. the rest are best to be seen yourself. i'm sure some of you watch this before. cause it's not a very new movie afterall. We know in reality, we don't go into painting after we're dead. of course, i wish i can. it;s so beautiful that you can't resist.
Chris's quest is not easy. he found his dog, then he needs to find his daughter, his son, and his commit suicide wife. speak of his commited suicide wife. we see a contrast. from a beautiful scene, slowly they move into a dark and spooky scene. what we can see is fire all around the place, and then to a place which is completely dark.
to be honest, i don't like the ending so much. chris lost control of himself when he found annie before the ending. and the ending is like "pop" annie and chris is in the beautiful place again. it's like a rush to end the movie. it's like they don't know how to end the movie. of course they have their own reason. this is only my point of view. maybe when you watch it you'd think the ending is perfect. :)
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